Romania enters a crucial competition for developing competitive labor force, as the new dual education campuses will absorb 338 million euros through the PNRR.
One year of personal investment in education is equivalent to a 10% salary increase for the individual.
Romania's economy can play a strategic role in attracting investment in production moving from Asia to Europe.
Sibiu, March 7th, 2023: Romania will benefit from a significant economic growth in the coming years if dual and vocational education become a national priority, given that the new campuses dedicated to dual education benefit from substantial funding through the PNRR - National Recovery and Resilience Plan. This is one of the conclusions of the event "Looking ahead: How local investors shape Romania's economy in 2023", organized today in Sibiu.
The local authorities continued their investment projects during this period of uncertainty. The Sibiu County Council, for example, prepared investment projects in various areas this year as well, but one challenge they had to find solutions for was the increase in construction materials prices. Additionally, contractual deadlines were extended due to difficulties in procuring raw materials, as well as due to the shortage of personnel.
"The Sibiu County Council is constantly investing in transport infrastructure throughout the Sibiu County, for the comfort of the local residents, but also to make any point in the county attractive to investors. Additionally, we want to support investors and have become partners with the Sibiu Business Agency, which aims to attract investments to our county. Thus, we will support investors both with presenting investment opportunities in Sibiu County, but also with everything that involves interaction with the authorities and public administration institutions. Sibiu County has all the prerequisites to become an attractive location on the map of Romanian and foreign investors," declared Marcel Constantin Luca, Vice President of the Sibiu County Council.
The Romanian economy is strongly influenced by the increasingly rapid technological progress and is undergoing a profound digital transformation. Innovation is essential for Romania's development direction, which will lead to an increased demand for well-prepared IT specialists.
"The need for IT specialists is increasing, and this remains an opportunity for the Romanian economy, which enjoys a generation of increasingly well-prepared IT specialists. And the major international restructuring announced by technology companies will rather generate migrations of specialized personnel to emerging technological branches that need to be supported and developed," said Daniela Chrzanovski, the General Director of Swiss Webacademy's IT training and services center and the leader of the Cybersecurity group within the Switzerland-Romania Chamber of Commerce (CCE-R).
The event "Looking ahead: How local investors shape Romania's economy in 2023" was organized on March 7th, 2013, in Sibiu by the Switzerland-Romania Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Swiss Webacademy, Winsedswiss, and Alba Advisors at the Romanian-Finnish School ERI.
1 martie 2023: Grupul elvețian, care activează în domeniul programelor educaționale și de consultanță strategică și operațională, intră pe piața agențiilor de marketing și comunicare și înființează
Posted on 01/03/2023
Students should have a voice in school decisions, parents and authorities should regain their trust in school directors, digitalization should be a condition for efficient management and education systems, education budgets should be spent more efficiently, and the development of private schools should contribute to improving the overall quality of education.
Posted on 13/03/2023
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