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About us


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The company Romania was founded in 2019, as one of the branches of the Swiss group, offering a wide range of integrated solutions for hospitality professionals and owners, from idea to implementation, from recruitment to training, from consulting to hotel management. 

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Top grade expertise


We provide a wide variety of advisory services based on know-how and practical experience, assisting our partners from the initial project development phase, opening preparations, hotel operations evaluation, staff recruitment and training, all the way to crafting marketing strategies and promoting the location. 

Consultanță în
Management Hotelier


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Luxury Management & Vip Concierge Training


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Tourism & Hotel


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Education for Lifelong Learning


In our integrated process, we specialize staff through two approaches. The first takes place within ohma by, the first licensed VET academy by EHL (EHL Hospitality Business School) in Romania. The second offers opportunities for workflow optimization and professional skill enhancement through courses and training programs dedicated to professionals.  

Formal and Vocational Education

 ohma Hospitality

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Extended Learning

Courses, Programmes and Customised Training for Hospitality Professionals

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Fundația Didactica

ERI Finnish
Kindergarten and Schools

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Management team 


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Oana Năstase

Head of enterprise, Romania

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Alexandru Baicoană

Internal communication & DPO, Romania

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Cosmin Zainea

IT Specialist, ohma Trainer

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Adrian Dumitriu

Head of vocational educational training - ohma Romania

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George Baciu

Head of culinary arts education, certified VET by EHL Trainer

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Aminta Georgescu

Head of talent divison, certified VET by EHL Trainer

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Cristina Neacșu

Head of Sales, Romania

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Christine Schillings

CEO, România

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Ionuț Platon

General Manager, hotel ohma

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Vom lăsa interacțiunile noastre cu ceilalți să vorbească pentru noi!


participant to Business Model Canvas Masterclass 

Sergiu Voicu, journalist

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Participant to Food and Beverage Services  - Value Creation Course

Alexandru Dumitrescu, BitSoft representative

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Participants' feedback

Management in Hospitality Training Course 

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Lăsați-vă inspirați de poveștile lor!

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Contact Us 


We're here to assist you! If you wish to find out more about Education Group, or if you have a question you'd like to ask us or maybe become our partner, just fill in the contact form to get in touch with our team members. We look forward to hearing from you!

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