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Press Corner

The First Edition of INVEST in Hospitality Properties: Opportunities and Challenges for Increasing Profitability in Hospitality

Posted on 29/11/2024

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Leading investment experts, developers and representatives of international hotel chains from Romania and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) gather in Bucharest for the first edition of the "INVEST - Investment in Hospitality Properties in the CEE Region" summit

Posted on 12/09/2024

 Read more Group facilitates the signing of the franchise agreement for the first DoubleTree by Hilton Resort in Romania

Posted on 01/07/2024

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Assoc. prof. dr Cindy Heo

Associate professor, EHL Hospitality Business School

Posted on 17/06/2024

 Read more spearheads innovation with new course "Hospitality Reimagined: CX, AI & the Digital Evolution”

Posted on 12/02/2024

 Read more, the group that provides integrated hospitality solutions, confirms the departure of Răzvan Pîrjol from WEG

where he held the positions of Chief Business Development Officer and director of the ohma academy, to take over the leadership of Turism Felix, a successful balneotherapy hotel chain in Romania.

Posted on 29/12/2023

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Leadership and Staff Management Training with Christine Schillings

What does it mean to leave your mark in your field? What qualities define a leader in your opinion? Christine Schillings, along with several industry professionals, explored the theme of leadership in the ideal context of hospitality at Bacolux Hotels Romania. 


Posted on 20/11/2023

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Successful Hotels: Sales Training - Turn Sales into Hotel Success

Perseverance. Dedication. A thirst for growth and collaborative learning. This sums up the two intensive training days dedicated to hospitality professionals, supported by our special guests, Alina Toie and Cosmina Bucerzan, along with surprise interventions by Prof. Dr. Ray Iunius and Christine Schillings!


Posted on 14/11/2023

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We are deeply honored to receive a recognition that crowns our relentless pursuit of excellence in the field of hospitality in Romania.

Prof. Dr Ray Iunius, the CEO, and co-founder of WEG, has been bestowed with the highest distinction – the "Ordinul Coroana României în grad de Cavaler" (The Order of the Romanian Crown, Knight Grade) by the Romanian Royal Family.

Posted on 19/10/2023

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Ray F. Iunius Leads the Jury of the 5th Edition of the Romanian Hospitality Awards

Ray F. Iunius, CEO and co-founder WEG, led the judging panel but also delivered an exceptional motivational speech.

Posted on 19/10/2023

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Two days of Revenue Management with Horatiu Tudori and hospitality professionals from Cluj-Napoca

We successfully concluded another Revenue Management course led by Professor Horatiu Tudori, which took place from September 18th to 19th in Cluj-Napoca!

Posted on 19/09/2023

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Robot Waiters or Apps That Reserve Your Hotel Based on Your Desires

If a revolution is the manifestation of thought in action, then picture a world of incredible possibilities for your future career in hospitality or your next vacation at a tech-forward resort! We provide you with a roadmap for this new frontier, courtesy of Prof. Dr. Ray Iunius.

Posted on 13/09/2023

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Good ideas only need a slight push and a strong voice to take firm roots.

The voice advocating for dual hospitality education belongs to Prof. Dr. Ray Iunius, and recently, it was heard all the way from Lausanne, Switzerland, to Hunedoara, Romania! 

Posted on 15/08/2023

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The lessons from the Finnish model: education should be personalized based on the potential of each child, and students should be involved in school decisions.

Students should have a voice in school decisions, parents and authorities should regain their trust in school directors, digitalization should be a condition for efficient management and education systems, education budgets should be spent more efficiently, and the development of private schools should contribute to improving the overall quality of education.

Posted on 13/03/2023

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Swiss investors in the central part of the country: Dual education is a national priority. One year of investment in education brings a 10% increase in salaries.

Romania enters a crucial competition for developing competitive labor force, as the new dual education campuses will absorb 338 million euros through the PNRR.

One year of personal investment in education is equivalent to a 10% salary increase for the individual.

Posted on 13/03/2023

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Swiss group winsedswiss enters the marketing and communication agency market

1 martie 2023: Grupul elvețian, care activează în domeniul programelor educaționale și de consultanță strategică și operațională, intră pe piața agențiilor de marketing și comunicare și înființează

Posted on 01/03/2023

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Un român, printre personalitățile care au influențat evoluția Glion Institute of Higher Education (GIHE)

Fostul secretar de stat al turismului, comerț exterior și investiții străine din cadrul Ministerului Economiei, Energiei și Mediului de Afaceri Răzvan Pîrjol se numără printre cele 60 de personalități care au influențat evoluția Glion Institute of Higher Education (GIHE) din Elveția.

Posted on 22/07/2022

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Al 5-lea element EΔucația

Societatea civilă, reprezentanți ai Administrației Prezidențiale, ai Ministerului Educației, UNICEF, ARACIP, CNDIPT, Guvernului României și ai mediului de business dezbat la Sfântu Gheorghe cele mai importante măsuri de reformă pentru legea educației preuniversitare

Posted on 11/05/2022

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Cu o carieră de 25 de ani în ospitalitate, Georgeta Grecu se alătură echipei winsedswiss România

Prin prisma vastei sale experiențe, Georgeta Grecu ocupă o dublă poziție în cadrul echipei winsedswiss România, fiind atât Senior Consultant în strategie și management, precum și trainer al academiei în ospitalitate ohma.

Posted on 14/04/2022

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Breaking: Swiss educational group winsedswiss will open the first Hotel Academy in the country under the license of the École hôtelière de Lausanne

Winsedswiss Education Group (WEG) announces the opening of the first Hotel Academy in Romania, by developing the successful model of ohma by winsedswiss from Oradea. It is a vocational education academy for hospitality, licensed by École Hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL).

Posted on 27/10/2021

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one alliance, the professional network for supporting the new hospitality academy ohma Bucharest, has been launched

On Thursday, September 16 of this year, winsedswiss Romania, a subsidiary of Winsedswiss Education Group, launched one (ohma network for education) alliance, a network that brings together some of the most famous brands in the local hospitality industry, around the ohma Bucharest hospitality academy.

Posted on 17/09/2021

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Celoživotno obrazovanje kao ključ karijernog uspeha

Tradicionalni koncepti obrazovanja širom sveta sve više ustupaju mesto takozvanom celoživotnom obrazovanju kao modelu koji kroz različite faze života pruža stručno usavršavanje i sticanje veština koje su potrebne na tržištu rada budućnosti. Dualni modeli obrazovanja kao i primenjeno znanje i danas su komparativna prednost i ključna karika u karijernom razvoju profesionalaca koji su cenjeni i traženi u svim industrijama. Polazeći od cilja obrazovanja po meri današnjice, švajcarska obrazovna grupa winsedswiss (World Institute of Service Education), donosi na naše tržište upravo takav pristup obrazovanju. Programi doživotnog učenja za sve - od vrtića preko univerziteta, do usavršavanja svih profila zaposlenih stručnjaka, deo su celovite ponude učenja, koja je od sada na raspolaganju i u Srbiji.

Posted on 02/07/2021

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Posted on 01/07/2021

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Carmina Gal joins the management team of winsedswiss Romania

With over 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry, Carmina Gal joins the Swiss educational group winsedswiss (World Institute of Service Education), taking over as director of the winsedswiss Romania Hospitality Department. 

Posted on 12/02/2021

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The Hospitality Management Academy ohma by winsedswiss in Oradea, licensed by VET by EHL (Vocational Education and Training by École hôtelière de Lausanne) was inaugurated, with the participation of foreign diplomats and representatives of local and central public authorities

The first generation of students who, upon graduating, will obtain professional diplomas recognised world-wide, has begun courses in Oradea within the Hospitality Management Academy ohma by winsedswiss, the only school in Romania operating under the license of École hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), the most prestigious learning institution in hospitality in the world.

Posted on 20/10/2020

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Oradea City Hall in partnership with the educational group winsedswiss announces opening of ohma by winsedswiss, the first school in Romania to organise courses under the VET by EHL license

Oradea City Hall and winsedswiss education group (WEG) have taken the initiative of opening Romania’s first academy in the field of hospitality, named ohma by winsedswiss which will organise courses under the license of VET by EHL (École hôtelière de Lausanne)/WEG. 

Posted on 02/07/2020

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Didactica Foundation and the Finnish School of Sibiu/ERI start partnership with the Swiss educational group winsedswiss

Beginning with July, Didactica Foundation and the Romanian-Finnish Primary School/ERI Sibiu join Winsedswiss Education Group (World Institute of Service Education) in a development partnership.

Posted on 30/06/2020

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Christine Schillings, internationally renowned hospitality industry manager, takes over the executive management of the Swiss educational group winsedswiss in Romania

Christine Schillings, cu o experiență de peste 30 de ani în industria ospitalității, se va alătura grupului educațional elvețian winsedswiss (World Institute of Service Education), ca Chief Executive Officer pentru România.

Posted on 26/06/2020

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The pandemic is even changing the way diplomatic relations are conducted, with the advent of e-diplomacy

Efectele pandemiei de coronavirus și ale măsurilor restrictive impuse de autorități în acest context s-au resimțit nu doar în domeniile economic, social, în educație, sănătate ori în viața cotidiană a oamenilor, ci și în domeniul diplomației.

Posted on 10/06/2020

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Hospitality Resilience Journey

Start înscrieri traininguri online oferite de winsedswiss pentru managerii din industria ospitalității, cu un discount de 100% pentru membrii Federației Industriei Hoteliere din România (F.I.H.R.) și/sau ai Organizației Patronale a Hotelurilor și Restaurantelor din România (H.O.R.A.)

Posted on 16/04/2020

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Švajcarska obrazovna grupa Winsedswiss pokrenula je online edukaciju za sve koji rade u hotelima i restoranima, sa mogućnošću dobijanja sertifikata najbolje škole u ovoj industriji

Posted on 16/04/2020

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Hospitality Resilience Talks

Grupul educațional elvețian winsedswiss lansează cursuri online pentru românii care lucrează în hoteluri și restaurante, certificatele de absolvire fiind recunoscute de industria ospitalității

Posted on 10/04/2020

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